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Services (26)

  • EXODUS: PART 1 - Abraham/Joseph/Moses

    See the recorded tour here --> Join us on this fabulous tour to see how Jehovah's promise is fulfilled in Abraham until the Exodus from Egypt.

  • Encantos de Italia: Un Paseo Cultural

    ¡Bienvenidos a un viaje único a través de la hermosa Italia! En este emocionante tour, te invitamos a explorar los secretos y encantos de este país fascinante. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué hace que Italia sea tan especial? Este video te llevará a un viaje virtual lleno de curiosidades, cultura y lengua italiana. Comenzamos nuestro viaje con Andrea y Betty, dos apasionados de Italia que sirven en una congregación española en el corazón de Roma. Aunque son del norte de Italia, llevan 10 años en esta ciudad histórica, rodeados de monumentos icónicos como el Coliseo y la Fontana di Trevi. ¿Sabías que Roma tiene más que solo historia? Descubrirás secretos ocultos cerca del Coliseo, como el intrigante Arco de Costantino. Este monumento en particular ha confundido a muchas personas, ¡incluso a directores de películas famosas! Pero Andrea te revelará la verdadera historia detrás de este arco y por qué es tan único. Luego, aprenderás algunas palabras esenciales en italiano, ¡para que puedas comunicarte como un local en tu próximo viaje! Desde saludos amigables como "Ciao" hasta frases útiles . tendrás las herramientas necesarias para sumergirte en la cultura italiana. No solo aprenderás palabras, sino que también descubrirás gestos típicos italianos, un lenguaje en sí mismo que es ampliamente utilizado en la vida cotidiana. ¿Sabías que un simple gesto con la mano puede expresar una variedad de significados? Aprenderás a interpretar estos gestos y a usarlos con confianza. Y, por supuesto, no podemos dejar de hablar de la impresionante Fontana di Trevi en Roma. No solo aprenderás sobre su majestuosidad y belleza, sino también curiosidades divertentes. Finalmente, exploraremos la deliciosa gastronomía italiana. Te presentaremos algunos de los mejores platos, desde la auténtica Carbonara hasta la famosa pizza Margherita. ¿Has oído hablar de Alfredo? También desvelaremos algunos misterios culinarios italianos. Este video es una ventana a Italia, llena de tesoros ocultos y curiosidades que te dejarán deseando descubrir más. ¡Prepárate para un viaje cultural y lingüístico que te acercará más a la bella Italia! ¡No puedes perdértelo! ¡Ven y únete a nosotros en este apasionante viaje! Italia te está esperando. 🇮🇹✨


    Vea cómo comenzó la nación griega y cómo las creencias y la vida de los antiguos griegos afectaron al pueblo de Jehová. Examinaremos la cultura de la antigua Grecia y veremos cómo gran parte de ella ha perdurado hasta nuestros días. Se examinará la literatura, la filosofía y la religión griegas, así como una mirada a los Juegos Olímpicos. También examinaremos las profecías bíblicas y veremos cómo la historia ha demostrado que son exactas. Únase a nosotros mientras visitamos ciudades griegas seleccionadas y vea cómo los escritores de la Biblia se referían a ellas en las Escrituras. Visitaremos Filipos, Tesalónica, Atenas, Corinto y también otros sitios griegos.

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Events (46)

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Blog Posts (6)

  • Noah’s Flood: The Basics

    The Biblical Account of the Flood The Bible recounts that Jehovah God instructed Noah to build an ark to save himself, his family, and a selection of animal species from a global deluge. Jehovah saw Noah as a righteous man in a corrupt world and chose him for this monumental task (Genesis 7:1). Preparing the Next Generation Many young Christians face challenges to their faith, especially when encountering skeptical views in educational institutions. It is crucial for them to understand that the Bible provides a true account of Earth's history, including the story of Noah's Flood. This understanding helps bridge the gap between intellectual knowledge and heartfelt faith. The Biblical Timeline A straightforward reading of the Bible places Noah's Flood around 2,348 BCE, according to the calculations of the 17th-century historian Bishop James Ussher. However, variations in ancient texts suggest dates ranging from 2,518 BCE to 3,298 BCE. Despite these differences, the original writings are considered perfect and divinely inspired. The Duration of the Flood Genesis chapters 6 to 9 provide a detailed account of the Flood, including its onset, key events, and conclusion. This biblical diary helps us understand the timeline and the magnitude of the event. Was the Ark Seaworthy? Jehovah provided Noah with specific dimensions for the Ark: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. Using the Nippur Cubit, this translates to approximately 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high. Studies have shown that these dimensions were ideal for stability and seaworthiness, capable of withstanding turbulent seas and 100-foot waves. How Did All the Animals Fit on the Ark? One common question is how Noah could fit all the animals on the Ark. The Ark's volume was about 1.88 million cubic feet, equivalent to 450 semi-trailers. The Bible states that Noah brought two of every kind of air-breathing, land-dwelling animal, with some kinds represented by seven pairs. The term "kind" refers to groups of animals that were naturally interfertile at the time. Modern studies suggest that fewer than 2,000 kinds were needed to account for the diversity of life we see today. Conclusion Understanding and being able to defend the biblical account of Noah's Flood is vital for maintaining faith, especially for young people facing skepticism. The Bible encourages believers to always be prepared to make a defense for their hope, doing so with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:14-16). By studying and understanding the details of Noah's Flood, believers can strengthen their faith and be better equipped to answer questions about the Bible's reliability and the truth of God's Word.

  • Unveiling the Hidden Treasures of Dura-Europos: A Journey Through Time

    Welcome, fellow history enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a fascinating journey into the ancient city of Dura-Europos in modern-day Syria. This site, rich in history and cultural confluence, offers a unique glimpse into the past, blending influences from the East and West. What Does "Dura" Mean? The term "Dura" translates to "circuit wall" or "walled place." This city, strategically positioned near Babylon, was a melting pot of cultures and religions. Here, the famous Biblical story of the three Hebrews—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—unfolded, demonstrating their unwavering faith amidst fiery trials. Dura-Europos: A City of Two Names Dura-Europos was influenced by both the Greeks and the East. Alexander the Great's conquests brought Greek culture to this region, resulting in a blend of worship practices. The city was a hub for the worship of Greek gods like Zeus, showcasing the cultural synthesis of the time. Rediscovery of Dura-Europos Dura-Europos lay buried under the sands for centuries until British troops rediscovered it in 1920. This ancient city, located near Yale University's excavation site, offers an Indiana Jones-like adventure into the past. The ruins, dating back to the Roman era, reveal a city frozen in time, providing invaluable insights into ancient civilizations. The Synagogue of Dura-Europos One of the most remarkable discoveries at Dura-Europos is the ancient synagogue, dating between AD 165 and 200. This synagogue, expanded and redecorated by AD 244-245, suggests a thriving Jewish community. Inscriptions in Greek, Aramaic, and Middle Iranian attest to the diversity of worshippers. Christian Artifacts and Early Worship Dura-Europos also houses one of the earliest known Christian buildings. This site features art depicting Biblical scenes such as Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda and Christ walking on water, indicating early Christian practices. Interestingly, these artworks lack halos, suggesting they were created by early Christians who adhered to simpler forms of representation. The Mithraeum: Worship in Darkness The Mithraeum, a temple dedicated to the god Mithras, was another significant find. Mithras, worshipped as the god of light, was ironically venerated in dark, subterranean chambers. This juxtaposition highlights the complex nature of ancient religious practices. Roman Artifacts: Shields and Zodiac Signs Among the artifacts uncovered is a well-preserved Roman shield, adorned with symbols like the winged goddess Nike, representing victory. This shield, along with zodiac signs and other motifs, illustrates the blend of cultural and religious elements prevalent in Dura-Europos. The Lion of Babylon One of the most striking pieces at the Yale Art Gallery, where many artifacts from Dura-Europos are displayed, is the Lion of Babylon. This artifact symbolizes strength and is a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient Mesopotamian culture. Connecting the Past with the Present As we explore the remnants of Dura-Europos, we see a rich tapestry of faith, culture, and history. The site's artifacts and structures tell stories of divine victories, human struggles, and the unwavering faith of those who once lived there. Support Our Journey We hope you enjoyed this virtual tour of Dura-Europos. If you'd like to support our ongoing research and future tours, consider buying us a coffee at Your contributions help us continue to explore and share the wonders of ancient history. Thank you for joining us on this journey through time. We look forward to sharing more discoveries with you in the future. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please email us at Let's keep the spirit of exploration alive! Additional Comments Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their insights. Your enthusiasm and feedback are invaluable as we refine and expand our tours. We strive to bring history to life, and your appreciation motivates us to keep exploring and sharing these incredible stories.

  • Hawaii The Big Island and the history of Jehovah's Witnesses

    🌺 Explore Jehovah's Masterpiece in Hawaii and Learn about Queen Kapiolani– A Virtual Adventure! 🌴 Click here to register for this tour Hey Adventure Seekers, Get ready for an epic journey to Hawaii where we'll unveil the incredible creations of Jehovah in a virtual spectacle! 🌋 Witness Volcanic Marvels: Explore Hawaii's breathtaking landscapes shaped by Jehovah's power. It's like stepping into a live masterpiece! 🌈 Dive into Divine Culture: Immerse yourself in Hawaiian traditions, music, and dance – a vibrant reflection of Jehovah's creative touch. 🌺 Discover Sacred Secrets: Join us at sacred sites where nature whispers stories of Jehovah's amazing craftsmanship. 🎓 Educational Thrills: Unravel the secrets of how Jehovah designed Hawaii, discovering the intelligent beauty in every detail. The Hawaiian Queen who was known to have acknowledged Jehovah’s name was Queen Kapiolani. Join the adventure now for a virtual escapade that combines the wonders of Hawaii with the divine touch of Jehovah! 🌺🏝️ #JehovahsCreation #HawaiiVirtualThrills 🏝️🌺

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